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Charitable Writing: How to Become a Career Grant Writer by Harris Dale

If you enjoy writing, researching, and charitable causes, you might also enjoy being a grant writer. Grant writers write grant proposals for companies and non-profit organizations, helping them to obtain funding for their various projects. Looking to learn a little more about being a grant writer? Interested in becoming one yourself? This article has you covered. What Is a Grant Writer? When you hear the term “grant writer”, you likely think of someone who writes grants. This is not quite true. Grant writers don’t write grants; They write grant proposals.   Grant proposals are research documents that companies and non-profit organizations send to grant donors in an effort to secure funding. The purpose of the proposal is to convince the donor that the organization’s project is worth supporting. As such, the proposal needs to be impeccably written. Because many organizations lack the skill or wherewithal needed to write a good grant proposal, they sometimes export the task to a professional, someone who understands how grants work and how to secure them. This professional is, of course, the grant writer. Now, this isn’t to say that all grant writers work for themselves. Some organizations do employ grant writers full-time. However, the good majority of grant writers work as freelancers, offering their services to numerous companies, schools, non-profits, and other such organizations. Responsibilities of a Grant Writer While they’re known as grant writers, their responsibilities include more than just writing. The primary responsibilities of a grant writer will be reviewed below. Research Available Grants One of the biggest responsibilities of a grant writer is to research grant funding opportunities. This is done to ascertain which grants would best suit his or her clients’ projects. See, grants are typically not generalized. In most cases, they’re designed to cater to a specific sector or industry. For instance, an organization might create a grant to give to a company working in the healthcare industry. As the grant writer, you need to choose a grant which aligns with your clients’ work. If you choose a grant which doesn’t align with the work of your client, your client’s organization will have no chance of winning it. Write Proposals As we’ve noted, grant writers write grant proposals. Grant proposals are meant to follow the guidelines of grant donors. Because of this, every proposal that’s written ends up being a little different from the last. When writing, you not only need to be able to follow the provided guidelines, but you also need to be able to communicate factual information in a clear and inspiring manner. At its core, grant writing is persuasive writing. Communicate With Clients and Donors In order for a grant writer to secure grant funding, he or she must keep close communication with his or her clients as well as with prospective grant donors. Depending on the circumstances, this communication could happen either in-person, on the phone, or via email. How to Become a Grant Writer Now that you understand the responsibilities of a grant writer, you might be wondering how to become one. We’re going to get into the specifics below. Brush Up on Your Writing Skills The first step is to brush up on your writing skills. Not only must you possess impeccable grammar, but you must also be able to demonstrate a sophisticated vocabulary. Look at a few examples of grant proposals as guidelines. Study the writing style contained within them and try your best to adopt it. Take a Grant Writing Course If you’re entirely new to the grant writing process, you would be wise to take a grant writing course. A grant writing course will not only help you with the writing of grant proposals but with client communication, research, and a variety of other skills. Find a First Gig Once you think you’re ready to write a grant proposal, you need to find your first gig. This can be challenging, as it requires you to put in a good deal of leg work. However, if you put the time in, you’ll almost certainly find an organization willing to give you a chance. Starting out, your best bet is to call up or email non-profit organizations. Non-profits generally don’t have grant writers of their own, and generally don’t have a lot of money to pay one. Offer your services at a low rate (or for free), and you’re bound to snag your first gig. Market Yourself Once you’ve completed your first gig, you’ll have a better chance at landing other gigs. This is particularly true if your first gig was successful (ie. your client received a grant). That being said, if you want to land consistent work, you need to market yourself properly. Create a website for your grant writing services, establish appropriate social media pages, and continue to reach out to organizations that might need proposals. Skills Needed as a Grant Writer Grant writers require a few different skills, all of which are fairly straightforward. First and foremost, grant writers must be able to write. If your grammar or vocabulary is poor, you’re going to have a difficult time securing a grant. Secondly, you need to have solid research skills. Not only must you do research for your grant proposals, but you must also do research to discover available grants. Lastly, you need to be able to communicate, both orally and in the written word. This is not a career for shy or complacent individuals. You will have to speak with clients and donors on a regular basis. How Much Money Do Grant Writers Make? Grant writers make varying amounts of money based on a number of different factors. These factors include success rate, number of clients, type of clients, monetary rate, and manner of work, to name just a few. Entry-level grant writers generally charge between $30 and $40 an hour. However, experienced grant writers who work in big markets can charge as much as $100 an hour. If you have an especially high success rate, you can charge ever more than $100 an hour.

Charitable Writing: How to Become a Career Grant Writer by Harris Dale Read More »

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3 Creative Ways to Get Writing Inspiration by Harris Dale

Poet Edith Sitwell would lie in an open coffin before beginning her writing every day. We often find our writing inspiration in the most unlikely places. Every writer, no matter how great, needs inspiration, and you can’t just sit around waiting for it. It’s an indispensable part of the writing process, and you need to find what works for you. Read on to to get some ideas on where to find your inspiration.   1. Read Regularly and With Intention This may seem obvious, but all great writers need to read. But it’s not enough to “just read.” To get the most out of your reading, read with intention, and take the time to analyze the writing. Pay attention to how the writer writes, the grammar, how they develop their characters, and even their grammar and punctuation. If you’re writing a book, take the time to observe the cover to get book cover design inspirations for your own novel. Read the author’s biography, or delve into at any artwork that might be in the book, whether it’s photography or anime drawings. Read what you love, but also try reading outside of your comfort zone.  If you’re a fiction reader, try reading some non-fiction or a comic book for a change. It’s when you try new things and experience something different that you’ll often get your best ideas. 2. Allow Time to Explore Non-Work Creative Outlets Just like all parts of our body, our creative minds and imaginations need to be exercised. Often, the best writing inspiration comes from letting ourselves be free to create beyond our regular work. Whatever helps you daydream and tap into your unconscious, do it. For many writers, writing in a daily journal or journaling about their dreams when they wake up is a fantastic outlet. Providing your mind with sustenance doesn’t have to come in the form of writing. You can try other creative endeavors like painting, cooking, working with textiles, or doodling. Anything that gets your brain turning is the perfect activity to give your imagination a boost. 3. Try Eavesdropping Numerous great writers have gained their best ideas from sitting around and listening to strangers. So the next time you’re sitting on a train, sipping on a latte in your local coffee shop, or sitting on a park bench, do a little eavesdropping. You’ll get a look into other people’s lives, hear about the challenges they’re facing w, and discover new points of view. Listening to other people’s conversations can also help writers with developing dialogue that sounds realistic and raw. If eavesdropping makes you uncomfortable, just be conscious of respecting people’s boundaries. When a couple starts speaking in hushed voices, take that as a cue that they’re talking about something personal in nature and don’t want to be overheard. Respect that. Find Your Source of Writing Inspiration Writing inspiration is all around us, but you have to go out and look for it. We hope that you can find some inspiration by utilizing these tips.

3 Creative Ways to Get Writing Inspiration by Harris Dale Read More »

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Identifying when a Tooth Extraction Might be Necessary by LAURA JEEVES

Identifying when a Tooth Extraction Might be Necessary   Dentists use a range of different methods to treat oral health diseases. They try by all means to preserve your teeth, however, there are cases where you might need an emergency tooth extraction. NYC dentists may resort to this in the following circumstances: trauma or accidents, periodontal diseases, and overcrowding, just to mention a few.   Extraction can be performed by a general dentist and involves removing the tooth from its socket in the jawbone. Some dental conditions may arise unexpectedly and warrant emergency extraction, but maintaining good oral hygiene and attending regular check-ups with a trusted dentist can help identify problems early, in order to avoid such drastic measures.   There are clear, telltale signs that indicate whether you might need a tooth extraction or not, and this article will help you with that.   1. Severe Tooth Decay   Severe tooth decay causes damage that cannot be treated with other methods, such as dental fillings or root canal treatment. This is due to the bacteria causing infection to the pulp; at its most severe, it may cause infection to other teeth and the surrounding tissue. Removing the affected tooth as soon as possible is necessary to prevent the infection from spreading any further.   2. Overcrowding   Overcrowding is when there are too many teeth than the jaw can accommodate. Removing some of these may be necessary to create enough space between them and reduce the problem of overlap. It can also be used as a method to help realign your teeth, and this may be recommended and performed by an orthodontist.   3. After a Trauma or Accident   Sometimes trauma or accidents, such as a car collision, can cause severe damage to your teeth. Dentists will try other means before resorting to extraction – such as bridges or crowns – however, if the trauma causes damage that cannot be repaired by any other methods available, extraction is necessary.   4. Periodontal Diseases (Gum diseases)   Periodontal diseases are bacterial infections of the gums, the jaw bone, and the periodontal ligaments. In the advanced stages, this infection causes loose or wobbly teeth, leading to tooth loss. If and when they become loose and on the verge of falling out, removal is necessary.   Gingivitis, which is a very common condition in both adults and children, is an early stage of periodontal disease. Without proper oral health care and regular dental visits it may advance, causing patients to require emergency tooth extraction. NYC Health Department states that about 60% of adults are at increased risk of gingivitis due to diabetes, tobacco, and the consumption of sugary drinks.   5. Impacted Wisdom teeth   Sometimes wisdom teeth fail to come through properly or completely, causing pain and discomfort. In other cases it can cause overcrowding. Damage to other areas of your mouth may ensue, so to prevent this from happening, extraction is required to reduce the risk of infection and overcrowding.   Oral health diseases or issues discussed in this article can cause pain and discomfort, and some are even life-threatening. Only a professional practitioner can provide a clear, thorough diagnosis, and recommendation regarding the treatment that you need. It is therefore important to attend dental checkups with a regular, trusted dentist to prevent and detect diseases early and, if necessary, recommend and carry out emergency tooth extraction. NYC residents have an excellent range of professional dentists available at their disposal – so there’s no excuse for bad oral health.   Author Plate   Ellen Smythe is a Practice Manager at Smile Arts of NY, a dental office that provides the best care and advanced modern cosmetic dental procedures, including teeth whitening, porcelain crowns, veneers, Invisalign, dental implants and emergency treatments. If you need an emergency tooth extraction, NYC based Smile Arts can help for that as well. We have been helping New York City residents achieve the look and care they’ve always wanted with their state-of-the-art, affordable dental services since 2010.

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